Results | WPRA Junior

Results | WPRA Junior

The following results are unofficial and subject to audit.

Listed below are the results from WPRA junior races only. Junior members can also earn points by placing in WPRA co-sanctioned events which allow junior entries. Contestants may enter as many times as allowed by primary sanctioning association, but national and/or circuit standings (if applicable), will reflect the highest placing in the 1D.


May 2024
05/01/2024 - 05/02/2024 Liberty, OK
1.April Williamson - 18.97 - $100.00
2.Sarah Williamson - 17.06 - $90.00
3.April Williamson - 18.41 - $80.00
4.Britney Brown - 18.29 - $70.00
5.April Brown - 17.63 - $60.00
6.Lucy Davis - 16.84 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Smith - 16.51 - $40.00
8.Lucy Davis - 17.45 - $30.00
9.Britney Williamson - 16 - $20.00
10.April Williams - 18.24 - $10.00
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05/02/2024 - 05/04/2024 Franklin, CA
1.Britney Brown - 18.87 - $100.00
2.Sarah Williamson - 18.74 - $90.00
3.Britney Smith - 17.99 - $80.00
4.Lucy Williamson - 16.25 - $70.00
5.Lucy Smith - 16.76 - $60.00
6.Sarah Williams - 16.63 - $50.00
7.April Johnson - 17.71 - $40.00
8.April Smith - 16.09 - $30.00
9.April Brown - 18.02 - $20.00
10.April Brown - 18.95 - $10.00
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05/02/2024 - 05/04/2024 Franklin, TX
1.April Williamson - 16.18 - $100.00
2.April Davis - 16.08 - $90.00
3.April Davis - 16.49 - $80.00
4.Lucy Davis - 16.89 - $70.00
5.Sarah Smith - 15.57 - $60.00
6.Lucy Williamson - 17.19 - $50.00
7.April Davis - 15.58 - $40.00
8.April Williams - 15.78 - $30.00
9.Elizabeth Johnson - 16.32 - $20.00
10.June Brown - 17.87 - $10.00
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05/03/2024 - 05/04/2024 Springfield, TX
1.April Davis - 16.78 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Johnson - 18.11 - $90.00
3.Britney Brown - 16.74 - $80.00
4.Lucy Smith - 18.96 - $70.00
5.Lucy Brown - 16.69 - $60.00
6.Sarah Smith - 16.76 - $50.00
7.April Brown - 18.76 - $40.00
8.Lucy Williamson - 18.54 - $30.00
9.Britney Brown - 17.85 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Johnson - 18.79 - $10.00
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05/04/2024 - 05/05/2024 Liberty, OK
1.Britney Williams - 16.29 - $100.00
2.June Williamson - 17.47 - $90.00
3.Britney Williams - 17.68 - $80.00
4.Sarah Davis - 18.41 - $70.00
5.Sarah Johnson - 18.65 - $60.00
6.Lucy Davis - 18 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Smith - 16.43 - $40.00
8.June Smith - 16.85 - $30.00
9.June Williamson - 18.52 - $20.00
10.Sarah Davis - 16.95 - $10.00
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05/05/2024 - 05/06/2024 Anytown, TX
1.Elizabeth Smith - 17.55 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Smith - 17.3 - $90.00
3.Sarah Williams - 16.32 - $80.00
4.June Johnson - 18.4 - $70.00
5.Sarah Smith - 17.83 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Davis - 16.09 - $50.00
7.April Williamson - 16.54 - $40.00
8.April Davis - 18.99 - $30.00
9.June Brown - 16.53 - $20.00
10.Britney Williamson - 17.05 - $10.00
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05/06/2024 - 05/08/2024 Madison, OK
1.Sarah Smith - 16.38 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Brown - 16.25 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Davis - 17.58 - $80.00
4.June Davis - 15.84 - $70.00
5.Lucy Brown - 17.7 - $60.00
6.Sarah Brown - 15.69 - $50.00
7.Britney Williamson - 16.61 - $40.00
8.Sarah Smith - 17.81 - $30.00
9.April Brown - 15.08 - $20.00
10.Lucy Smith - 15.44 - $10.00
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05/06/2024 - 05/08/2024 Anytown, AL
1.Britney Brown - 17.62 - $100.00
2.April Davis - 16.59 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Brown - 16.52 - $80.00
4.Sarah Williams - 15.49 - $70.00
5.Lucy Williamson - 17.59 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Smith - 17.51 - $50.00
7.April Williams - 16.19 - $40.00
8.Sarah Brown - 15.05 - $30.00
9.June Johnson - 15.78 - $20.00
10.Lucy Johnson - 16.63 - $10.00
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05/07/2024 - 05/09/2024 Springfield, TX
1.April Williamson - 17.01 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Williams - 18.26 - $90.00
3.Lucy Williamson - 18.41 - $80.00
4.Sarah Williamson - 16.13 - $70.00
5.Sarah Smith - 16.81 - $60.00
6.Britney Davis - 18.92 - $50.00
7.June Williams - 18.16 - $40.00
8.April Smith - 17.23 - $30.00
9.Lucy Brown - 18.91 - $20.00
10.Britney Johnson - 17.16 - $10.00
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05/07/2024 - 05/09/2024 Madison, OK
1.Britney Williams - 15.09 - $100.00
2.Sarah Williamson - 16.71 - $90.00
3.Lucy Williamson - 16.18 - $80.00
4.Lucy Davis - 15.23 - $70.00
5.April Williams - 16.92 - $60.00
6.April Williamson - 16.57 - $50.00
7.Sarah Johnson - 17.67 - $40.00
8.June Davis - 15.11 - $30.00
9.June Johnson - 17.32 - $20.00
10.Lucy Williamson - 15.34 - $10.00
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05/08/2024 - 05/10/2024 Springfield, AL
1.Sarah Brown - 19.18 - $100.00
2.Lucy Davis - 17.59 - $90.00
3.Lucy Brown - 19.78 - $80.00
4.Sarah Smith - 17.34 - $70.00
5.Lucy Williams - 18.31 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Williamson - 18.27 - $50.00
7.June Brown - 17.46 - $40.00
8.Elizabeth Davis - 19.18 - $30.00
9.Lucy Davis - 18.15 - $20.00
10.June Smith - 18.42 - $10.00
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05/08/2024 - 05/10/2024 Liberty, AL
1.Lucy Johnson - 17.92 - $100.00
2.Lucy Johnson - 18.03 - $90.00
3.April Johnson - 18.49 - $80.00
4.April Johnson - 19.02 - $70.00
5.Lucy Brown - 19.02 - $60.00
6.April Williamson - 17.82 - $50.00
7.June Davis - 17.33 - $40.00
8.Elizabeth Johnson - 19.23 - $30.00
9.April Williams - 17 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Brown - 19.63 - $10.00
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05/09/2024 - 05/10/2024 Madison, TX
1.June Davis - 17.47 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Williamson - 17.38 - $90.00
3.Sarah Davis - 17.37 - $80.00
4.Elizabeth Williams - 17.73 - $70.00
5.Britney Davis - 18.85 - $60.00
6.April Smith - 17.3 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Johnson - 17.44 - $40.00
8.Elizabeth Johnson - 19.55 - $30.00
9.April Smith - 18.11 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Brown - 19.2 - $10.00
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05/10/2024 - 05/12/2024 Liberty, OK
1.Lucy Smith - 16.36 - $100.00
2.Lucy Williamson - 17.76 - $90.00
3.Sarah Johnson - 16.91 - $80.00
4.April Williams - 17.33 - $70.00
5.June Johnson - 17.95 - $60.00
6.June Davis - 17.84 - $50.00
7.June Brown - 15.48 - $40.00
8.April Davis - 15.1 - $30.00
9.Britney Williams - 16.38 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Brown - 17.73 - $10.00
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05/10/2024 - 05/12/2024 Springfield, TX
1.June Brown - 17.56 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Smith - 17.2 - $90.00
3.April Davis - 18.34 - $80.00
4.April Davis - 16.83 - $70.00
5.Britney Williamson - 16.87 - $60.00
6.Britney Johnson - 18.05 - $50.00
7.Britney Smith - 17.43 - $40.00
8.Sarah Williamson - 18.04 - $30.00
9.April Smith - 18.22 - $20.00
10.June Brown - 17.35 - $10.00
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05/11/2024 - 05/12/2024 Franklin, CA
1.Britney Davis - 17.32 - $100.00
2.June Davis - 18.79 - $90.00
3.April Williams - 18.03 - $80.00
4.Elizabeth Williams - 19.84 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Brown - 18.8 - $60.00
6.April Davis - 17.02 - $50.00
7.Sarah Smith - 18.2 - $40.00
8.June Smith - 19.13 - $30.00
9.Lucy Williamson - 18.19 - $20.00
10.April Davis - 19.5 - $10.00
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05/12/2024 - 05/13/2024 Franklin, CA
1.Sarah Brown - 15.59 - $100.00
2.Britney Williams - 17.65 - $90.00
3.Britney Smith - 17.83 - $80.00
4.Britney Johnson - 17.24 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Johnson - 16.75 - $60.00
6.April Williamson - 17 - $50.00
7.Lucy Smith - 16.28 - $40.00
8.Sarah Smith - 17.58 - $30.00
9.Sarah Brown - 17.4 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Brown - 17.89 - $10.00
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05/13/2024 - 05/14/2024 Springfield, CA
1.Lucy Smith - 18.11 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Davis - 19.42 - $90.00
3.Britney Davis - 17.7 - $80.00
4.Lucy Brown - 17.03 - $70.00
5.Britney Williamson - 17.72 - $60.00
6.April Johnson - 18.42 - $50.00
7.June Williams - 19.76 - $40.00
8.Sarah Williams - 17.12 - $30.00
9.Britney Williams - 18.36 - $20.00
10.Lucy Williamson - 17.38 - $10.00
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05/14/2024 - 05/16/2024 Anytown, AL
1.Britney Smith - 17.54 - $100.00
2.Sarah Williams - 17.5 - $90.00
3.June Williams - 16.26 - $80.00
4.June Davis - 17.53 - $70.00
5.Lucy Johnson - 16.53 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Williams - 17.13 - $50.00
7.Lucy Smith - 16.51 - $40.00
8.April Brown - 17.37 - $30.00
9.Elizabeth Williams - 17.04 - $20.00
10.June Johnson - 16.26 - $10.00
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05/14/2024 - 05/16/2024 Madison, CA
1.Lucy Brown - 15.08 - $100.00
2.Sarah Davis - 15.7 - $90.00
3.Sarah Johnson - 17.33 - $80.00
4.Sarah Smith - 15.55 - $70.00
5.April Brown - 16.84 - $60.00
6.Britney Williamson - 15.02 - $50.00
7.Lucy Davis - 15 - $40.00
8.Sarah Brown - 17.17 - $30.00
9.April Smith - 15.77 - $20.00
10.April Johnson - 16.97 - $10.00
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05/15/2024 - 05/16/2024 Madison, AL
1.April Williams - 17.66 - $100.00
2.June Smith - 17.97 - $90.00
3.Lucy Davis - 17.49 - $80.00
4.Britney Williamson - 15.36 - $70.00
5.June Davis - 17.91 - $60.00
6.April Brown - 17.46 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Davis - 16.92 - $40.00
8.Sarah Davis - 15.46 - $30.00
9.April Brown - 15.22 - $20.00
10.Britney Williamson - 15.12 - $10.00
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05/16/2024 - 05/17/2024 Franklin, AL
1.April Davis - 19.2 - $100.00
2.Britney Johnson - 19.42 - $90.00
3.April Smith - 17.01 - $80.00
4.Sarah Johnson - 19.79 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Johnson - 19.9 - $60.00
6.April Davis - 18.96 - $50.00
7.Lucy Williamson - 17.02 - $40.00
8.June Brown - 17.11 - $30.00
9.Britney Davis - 17.78 - $20.00
10.Britney Johnson - 19.77 - $10.00
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05/17/2024 - 05/19/2024 Anytown, TX
1.April Johnson - 17.92 - $100.00
2.June Williamson - 18.02 - $90.00
3.June Brown - 18.42 - $80.00
4.Elizabeth Williamson - 16.39 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Johnson - 18.07 - $60.00
6.April Davis - 16.2 - $50.00
7.Lucy Smith - 17.67 - $40.00
8.April Johnson - 18.28 - $30.00
9.Britney Brown - 18.64 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Williams - 17.78 - $10.00
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05/17/2024 - 05/19/2024 Springfield, TX
1.Lucy Brown - 17.88 - $100.00
2.April Johnson - 16.41 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Johnson - 16.99 - $80.00
4.Britney Brown - 15.24 - $70.00
5.June Brown - 17.47 - $60.00
6.April Johnson - 15.73 - $50.00
7.June Davis - 16.3 - $40.00
8.Elizabeth Davis - 17.79 - $30.00
9.Sarah Williams - 15.58 - $20.00
10.June Smith - 15.02 - $10.00
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05/18/2024 - 05/19/2024 Madison, TX
1.June Davis - 18.85 - $100.00
2.June Williams - 17.42 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Brown - 18.43 - $80.00
4.Britney Brown - 17.43 - $70.00
5.Sarah Davis - 17.72 - $60.00
6.Britney Brown - 16.14 - $50.00
7.Sarah Johnson - 18.77 - $40.00
8.Britney Williams - 16.92 - $30.00
9.April Williamson - 16.73 - $20.00
10.June Davis - 16.36 - $10.00
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05/19/2024 - 05/20/2024 Franklin, AL
1.Sarah Williamson - 15 - $100.00
2.Sarah Williams - 16.27 - $90.00
3.April Smith - 17.01 - $80.00
4.Sarah Johnson - 16.05 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Davis - 17.37 - $60.00
6.Sarah Davis - 17.51 - $50.00
7.Britney Williams - 17.85 - $40.00
8.Elizabeth Brown - 15.62 - $30.00
9.Lucy Williams - 16.12 - $20.00
10.June Williams - 17.92 - $10.00
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05/20/2024 - 05/21/2024 Liberty, TX
1.Elizabeth Williamson - 15.46 - $100.00
2.April Williams - 16.3 - $90.00
3.Sarah Davis - 17.59 - $80.00
4.Britney Williams - 17.43 - $70.00
5.June Williamson - 17.88 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Davis - 17.16 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Williams - 15.33 - $40.00
8.April Brown - 15.85 - $30.00
9.Sarah Williams - 17.49 - $20.00
10.Sarah Williamson - 15.05 - $10.00
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05/21/2024 - 05/23/2024 Madison, OK
1.Britney Davis - 16.9 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Williamson - 17.39 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Smith - 17.62 - $80.00
4.April Brown - 18.96 - $70.00
5.Lucy Johnson - 16.97 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Williams - 17.99 - $50.00
7.Lucy Davis - 18.73 - $40.00
8.April Smith - 17.42 - $30.00
9.Britney Williams - 17.65 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Williams - 18.24 - $10.00
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05/21/2024 - 05/23/2024 Madison, CA
1.April Johnson - 19.98 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Williams - 19.42 - $90.00
3.Sarah Williams - 17.85 - $80.00
4.April Johnson - 17.47 - $70.00
5.June Smith - 19.24 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Williamson - 18.57 - $50.00
7.Britney Smith - 18.27 - $40.00
8.Sarah Davis - 17.96 - $30.00
9.Britney Smith - 19.24 - $20.00
10.June Smith - 17.35 - $10.00
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05/22/2024 - 05/23/2024 Madison, CA
1.Elizabeth Williamson - 17.53 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Johnson - 17.17 - $90.00
3.Lucy Smith - 16.43 - $80.00
4.Elizabeth Williams - 17.86 - $70.00
5.Lucy Johnson - 16.82 - $60.00
6.Lucy Williams - 17.21 - $50.00
7.April Smith - 15.89 - $40.00
8.June Williams - 15.93 - $30.00
9.April Williams - 15.1 - $20.00
10.Lucy Smith - 15.91 - $10.00
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05/23/2024 - 05/25/2024 Liberty, TX
1.Lucy Brown - 17.66 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Smith - 18.77 - $90.00
3.Britney Brown - 17.2 - $80.00
4.April Williams - 17.73 - $70.00
5.Sarah Johnson - 19.08 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Smith - 17.99 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Johnson - 18.14 - $40.00
8.April Johnson - 19.59 - $30.00
9.June Davis - 19.23 - $20.00
10.Sarah Smith - 17.35 - $10.00
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05/23/2024 - 05/25/2024 Franklin, AL
1.Britney Davis - 17.02 - $100.00
2.Sarah Davis - 15.27 - $90.00
3.Sarah Smith - 16.14 - $80.00
4.Elizabeth Davis - 17.42 - $70.00
5.Sarah Smith - 15.63 - $60.00
6.April Williams - 15.31 - $50.00
7.April Williams - 15.32 - $40.00
8.Britney Williams - 17.15 - $30.00
9.June Smith - 15.74 - $20.00
10.April Davis - 17.26 - $10.00
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05/24/2024 - 05/26/2024 Springfield, TX
1.June Brown - 15.13 - $100.00
2.June Brown - 17.22 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Smith - 16.12 - $80.00
4.Britney Williamson - 16.33 - $70.00
5.Sarah Brown - 17.73 - $60.00
6.April Smith - 15.31 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Johnson - 16.13 - $40.00
8.Sarah Williams - 15.82 - $30.00
9.Sarah Williamson - 15.47 - $20.00
10.Sarah Smith - 15.15 - $10.00
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05/24/2024 - 05/26/2024 Springfield, TX
1.Sarah Davis - 18.43 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Davis - 16.75 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Smith - 17.27 - $80.00
4.April Williams - 17.08 - $70.00
5.Britney Williamson - 17.82 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Brown - 16.38 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Johnson - 18.55 - $40.00
8.Lucy Smith - 17.35 - $30.00
9.Elizabeth Williams - 16.13 - $20.00
10.Lucy Williams - 16.33 - $10.00
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05/25/2024 - 05/26/2024 Liberty, CA
1.June Johnson - 16.71 - $100.00
2.June Williamson - 17.25 - $90.00
3.Lucy Williamson - 15.31 - $80.00
4.April Smith - 15.59 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Davis - 17.91 - $60.00
6.Sarah Johnson - 15.35 - $50.00
7.Britney Johnson - 17.18 - $40.00
8.Britney Davis - 17.16 - $30.00
9.April Brown - 17.27 - $20.00
10.Elizabeth Williamson - 17.62 - $10.00
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05/26/2024 - 05/27/2024 Franklin, OK
1.Elizabeth Brown - 18.8 - $100.00
2.Britney Williamson - 18.03 - $90.00
3.April Johnson - 16.05 - $80.00
4.April Brown - 16.62 - $70.00
5.April Smith - 18.19 - $60.00
6.Lucy Smith - 17.37 - $50.00
7.April Brown - 17.37 - $40.00
8.Britney Johnson - 16.8 - $30.00
9.Elizabeth Williams - 18.77 - $20.00
10.Britney Smith - 17.37 - $10.00
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05/27/2024 - 05/28/2024 Anytown, CA
1.Elizabeth Williams - 17.97 - $100.00
2.Lucy Williamson - 15.1 - $90.00
3.June Davis - 16.48 - $80.00
4.Britney Williamson - 15.28 - $70.00
5.Sarah Brown - 15.76 - $60.00
6.Sarah Williamson - 15.34 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Williamson - 15.41 - $40.00
8.Britney Johnson - 15.52 - $30.00
9.June Williams - 17.27 - $20.00
10.Britney Williams - 16.6 - $10.00
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05/28/2024 - 05/30/2024 Liberty, AL
1.Lucy Brown - 17.39 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Williamson - 17.29 - $90.00
3.Lucy Williamson - 17.68 - $80.00
4.Elizabeth Smith - 16.13 - $70.00
5.Britney Smith - 15.94 - $60.00
6.Britney Davis - 16.5 - $50.00
7.June Williamson - 16.03 - $40.00
8.Britney Williamson - 15.81 - $30.00
9.Britney Brown - 17.27 - $20.00
10.June Davis - 16.56 - $10.00
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05/28/2024 - 05/30/2024 Anytown, CA
1.April Brown - 18.03 - $100.00
2.Sarah Johnson - 18.91 - $90.00
3.Sarah Williams - 18.34 - $80.00
4.Lucy Brown - 19.75 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Williamson - 17.86 - $60.00
6.Sarah Davis - 19.15 - $50.00
7.April Smith - 19.16 - $40.00
8.Lucy Smith - 17.82 - $30.00
9.Lucy Williams - 18.99 - $20.00
10.Britney Smith - 18.32 - $10.00
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05/29/2024 - 05/30/2024 Madison, TX
1.Britney Smith - 18.44 - $100.00
2.June Williams - 18.38 - $90.00
3.Britney Brown - 18.4 - $80.00
4.Sarah Williamson - 18.66 - $70.00
5.Lucy Brown - 16.92 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Smith - 17.46 - $50.00
7.June Davis - 16.56 - $40.00
8.June Williams - 17.16 - $30.00
9.Elizabeth Williamson - 16.07 - $20.00
10.June Williams - 18.11 - $10.00
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05/29/2024 - 05/30/2024 Franklin, AL
1.Elizabeth Davis - 15.19 - $100.00
2.Sarah Smith - 16 - $90.00
3.June Williams - 16.16 - $80.00
4.Britney Brown - 15.18 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Brown - 17.62 - $60.00
6.Lucy Johnson - 17.55 - $50.00
7.April Williamson - 16.01 - $40.00
8.Sarah Williamson - 15.9 - $30.00
9.Lucy Smith - 17.98 - $20.00
10.April Smith - 17.99 - $10.00
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05/29/2024 - 05/30/2024 Franklin, CA
1.April Williams - 16.12 - $100.00
2.Sarah Williamson - 16.58 - $90.00
3.Elizabeth Williams - 17.55 - $80.00
4.Britney Williams - 17.3 - $70.00
5.April Smith - 18.27 - $60.00
6.Britney Johnson - 16.03 - $50.00
7.April Johnson - 17.73 - $40.00
8.Lucy Davis - 17.62 - $30.00
9.June Johnson - 18.32 - $20.00
10.Lucy Davis - 16.1 - $10.00
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05/29/2024 - 05/30/2024 Springfield, CA
1.Elizabeth Williams - 17.03 - $100.00
2.Lucy Brown - 19.31 - $90.00
3.Britney Johnson - 17.62 - $80.00
4.April Smith - 19.88 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Smith - 18.77 - $60.00
6.April Smith - 17.51 - $50.00
7.June Brown - 19.8 - $40.00
8.Elizabeth Smith - 18.52 - $30.00
9.June Davis - 18.06 - $20.00
10.Britney Williamson - 19.56 - $10.00
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June 2024
06/01/2024 - 06/03/2024 Anytown, AL
1.Elizabeth Williamson - 19.52 - $100.00
2.Lucy Smith - 18 - $90.00
3.April Davis - 17.86 - $80.00
4.June Johnson - 19.22 - $70.00
5.April Johnson - 19.8 - $60.00
6.Lucy Brown - 18.48 - $50.00
7.April Williamson - 18.8 - $40.00
8.Sarah Johnson - 19.23 - $30.00
9.Elizabeth Smith - 17.9 - $20.00
10.Lucy Davis - 19.74 - $10.00
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06/01/2024 - 06/03/2024 Anytown, OK
1.Britney Williamson - 15.14 - $100.00
2.June Davis - 15.37 - $90.00
3.June Davis - 16.66 - $80.00
4.Elizabeth Smith - 15.92 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Williamson - 15.96 - $60.00
6.Lucy Johnson - 16.25 - $50.00
7.June Johnson - 16.09 - $40.00
8.Lucy Johnson - 17.08 - $30.00
9.Britney Williamson - 15.38 - $20.00
10.Lucy Davis - 15.75 - $10.00
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06/02/2024 - 06/04/2024 Franklin, CA
1.June Brown - 17.25 - $100.00
2.Sarah Brown - 16.08 - $90.00
3.June Davis - 17.73 - $80.00
4.June Williamson - 17.05 - $70.00
5.June Davis - 16.37 - $60.00
6.Britney Johnson - 18.39 - $50.00
7.Lucy Johnson - 18.02 - $40.00
8.April Johnson - 18.75 - $30.00
9.Elizabeth Brown - 16.83 - $20.00
10.April Williamson - 16.33 - $10.00
+ Click here for more

06/02/2024 - 06/04/2024 Franklin, AL
1.June Davis - 17.06 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Brown - 16.7 - $90.00
3.Sarah Davis - 16.74 - $80.00
4.Lucy Johnson - 16.25 - $70.00
5.Britney Williams - 18.13 - $60.00
6.June Smith - 17.27 - $50.00
7.Britney Davis - 16.07 - $40.00
8.Sarah Johnson - 17.89 - $30.00
9.June Johnson - 18.26 - $20.00
10.Lucy Smith - 18.3 - $10.00
+ Click here for more

06/03/2024 - 06/05/2024 Franklin, CA
1.June Johnson - 17.18 - $100.00
2.Sarah Williams - 15.62 - $90.00
3.April Johnson - 16.33 - $80.00
4.Britney Williamson - 15.8 - $70.00
5.Lucy Johnson - 17.75 - $60.00
6.Britney Williamson - 17.29 - $50.00
7.Elizabeth Smith - 17.98 - $40.00
8.Sarah Williams - 16.34 - $30.00
9.Britney Brown - 17.96 - $20.00
10.April Davis - 16.87 - $10.00
+ Click here for more

06/03/2024 - 06/05/2024 Franklin, OK
1.June Johnson - 17.96 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Williamson - 16.46 - $90.00
3.Britney Brown - 17.32 - $80.00
4.Sarah Smith - 16.45 - $70.00
5.Elizabeth Smith - 16.24 - $60.00
6.Elizabeth Williamson - 18.32 - $50.00
7.April Brown - 18.25 - $40.00
8.Britney Davis - 17.33 - $30.00
9.Sarah Williamson - 18.94 - $20.00
10.June Johnson - 18.74 - $10.00
+ Click here for more

06/04/2024 - 06/05/2024 Liberty, AL
1.April Smith - 17.83 - $100.00
2.Elizabeth Johnson - 17.23 - $90.00
3.Lucy Brown - 16.72 - $80.00
4.Sarah Johnson - 16.67 - $70.00
5.Sarah Smith - 18.14 - $60.00
6.Sarah Williamson - 18.57 - $50.00
7.April Davis - 16.43 - $40.00
8.Sarah Johnson - 17.98 - $30.00
9.Britney Davis - 18.7 - $20.00
10.Sarah Williams - 18.25 - $10.00
+ Click here for more

431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

(719) 447-4627
(719) 447-4631 (fax)

431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

(719) 447-4627   |   (719) 447-4631 (fax)


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